Yes, my tires finally arrived. Look at these beauties. A new front and rear tire.

So the process begins. I took off the rear tire which is actually pretty involved. There are a lot of nuts and bolts that I had to loosen and then I had to take out the axel rod which holds the tire to the lower swing arm. As you can imagine this was a challenge to take out. Normally you would just take a rubber mallet and hit it out but I forgot to bring mine today, so a foot long 2x4 took it's place. I also had to use my ratchet extender as a punch when the rod got to the hub. Call me Mcguiver, it worked. Here is the tire making it's way off the swing arm.

There is no way I am moving that thing now.

The rear drum brake seemed to work when everything was together but a close look inside showed it to be a little dirty. The pads also had some slight surface rust so I figure way not replace them. I mean the wheel is already off the bike and it's better to be safe then sorry.

Hooray for progress

So the process begins. I took off the rear tire which is actually pretty involved. There are a lot of nuts and bolts that I had to loosen and then I had to take out the axel rod which holds the tire to the lower swing arm. As you can imagine this was a challenge to take out. Normally you would just take a rubber mallet and hit it out but I forgot to bring mine today, so a foot long 2x4 took it's place. I also had to use my ratchet extender as a punch when the rod got to the hub. Call me Mcguiver, it worked. Here is the tire making it's way off the swing arm.

There is no way I am moving that thing now.

The rear drum brake seemed to work when everything was together but a close look inside showed it to be a little dirty. The pads also had some slight surface rust so I figure way not replace them. I mean the wheel is already off the bike and it's better to be safe then sorry.

Hooray for progress